Design Statement

Design Statement

Design Statement featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


The Architecture of The City

The Architecture of the City poses a contrast between old and present-day Hong Kong. Inspired by Aldo Rossi’s book of the same title, director adopted the stage use of bamboo scaffolding, a commonly seen architectural element in Hong Kong, transforming the collective memory into an audio-visual experience. Through the interaction between the bamboo structure, images, music, stage and lighting, together with the use of recycled materials for the costumes design, the performance creates an experience of an alternative space and a reflection on the city as a live organism that keeps on changing.

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Since the interaction between robotic technologies, in particular, AI and human beings would get enriched by a certain immersion of emotions, the designer proposes a multi-sensory interface expanding this interaction. REI is a multi-sensory interface conveys empathy between the robotic species and human by addressing especially the olfactory as well as the visual, acoustic and haptic sensation. This multi-sensational experience will be used in the near future to support and improve the interface of AI.

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TOMI is like a public hyperbolic smartphone in urban spaces. The easy interaction invites to action to find the contents and services related with user's geolocation and diverse local trending information. The interaction requested to users is facilitated by a clean design that triggers emotional responses. This is emphasised by a dual approach aiming either users that interacts, as well as the ones that read and consume ads, targeting the call-to-action suggestions in the interface, eg., images, pictorial stylisation, headline text, etc.

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Annual awards event

Our purpose was to build a stage which creates audience admiration and forwards the message of the event. Following the design, we cut interconnecting triangles as the main geometric pattern. Each aspect of this stage required a construction with lightweight, internally lit parts with a look that can be fast and easily changed out during the event to give the right look to the different presentations.

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Magic Morror

The aim was to design an app that help user know more things about themselves that they were not aware of before, helping them get more familiar with themselves. In order to achieve this goal, the application visualises their emotions and gives an overview of things they have been writing about in diary entries and how they feel about them.

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Fantastical Metamorphosis

Fantastical Metamorphosis is an event for the Taichung City Government to celebrate the grand opening of the Taichung Metropolitan Theater designed by Japan’s Toyo Ito. Featuring 2 days of breathtaking Facade Projection Mapping and 2 months of interactive Site-Specific Installations, this launch is an opportunity to draw attention both locally and internationally to Taichung and its unique Theater.

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