Design Statement

Design Statement

Design Statement featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


War on Drugo

Drugo is a short animated film that offers an allegorical take on 40 years of worldwide “war on drugs”. The spot is part of an international campaign by The Global Commission on Drug Policy, which aims to foster a broader discussion about drug policy reform. The art direction, though heavily based on medieval imagery, also incorporates a few contemporary references like helicopters and modern-day favelas, which together with the archetypical language of the fairy tale imparts an atemporal feeling that echoes the convoluted, centuries-old relationship between humankind and recreational

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World History

St. Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow, Eiffel tower in Paris, Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy and Akshardham – Hindu temple complex in New Delhi were chosen for the ID of educational TV spot of the Russian “History” channel. People that are fond of history can discover a lot of exiting facts in the runtime of one minute, while the TV spot runs. For additional historical associations, a zeppelin and an ancient ship were added in the ID.

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TTMM for Pebble

TTMM is a 130 watchfaces collection dedicated for Pebble 2 smartwatch. Specific models show time and date, week day, steps, activity time, distance, temperature and battery or bluetooth status. User can customize type of information and see extra data after shake. TTMM watchfaces are simple, minimal, aesthetic in design. It is a combination of digits and abstract infographics perfect for a robots era.

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Bass Awards 2017

A storm is coming. A tropical storm. With lots of colors, wind and emotions. We want to create a world with a wide variety of living creatures. Small and big, all shapes and lines. Diversity is the key within the characters. They are feeling that something is coming. So they gather. And talk. At first, there are just murmurs going around, but with time they get louder. Different groups are passing the voice. The message is spreading. This is about the moment before the explosion.

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A touch screen interactive media was created to be placed within the show flat of DUO Residences to educate visitors on key information related to DUO. Users can get educated on not only the amenities within the development itself but also the amenities surrounding it externally. The interactive media wil be placed next to the sales gallery where physical models and 3D perspective renderings of the development are. The sales team will use both physical models and interactive media to explain key features of DUO to visitors before they are led into the show flat units.

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Olympic Studios

SporTV s arts team designed, planned, built, and supervised all scenic projects elaborated to carry out the coverage of the Olympic Games. Olympic Studio, built in the Olympic Park, was strategically located in proximity to the public. The concept was to design a set to harbor several shows with distinct characteristics, but also to allow each product to keep its own identity. Panoramic Studio, which was built on the twelfth floor of a commercial building in front of the Olympic Park, gave the viewer a more analytical, dynamical and light look.

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